Oak Hill Church of Christ 9-8-24 Message: "God's Body Has No Nobodies"

19 days ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the joy of knowing that God finds value and importance in the souls of every believer.

The desire to belong is important to the vast majority of people. We're created to be social beings, who are all at our best when we're united with others. Whether it's through friendship, family, marriage, or as colleagues, we often do our best when we come alongside others in need of what we can offer.

God created each of us to be unique, and gave each of us various inborn talents to make us indispensable to our community. Unfortunately, recent circumstances seemed to suggest that perhaps other people were a danger, rather than a blessing. Many were conditioned to view fellowshipping with friends to be little more than a chance for danger.

God, however, does not see it that way. In fact, through the Body of Christ, He has seen fit to bring together many people that otherwise would have no reason to come together at all. The Church unites people of different economic backgrounds, skill levels, personalities, nationalities, likes, and dislikes. Many groups would have none in common with the other except that they are joined by their union with God through Christ.

God rejoices in bringing people with different backgrounds together, so that they, together, can be stronger than they were apart. The doctor needs a leaky roof fixed, and the roofer's daughter has a high fever. Christ brings them together so that all their needs can be met.

No part of the Body is less valuable than the other. No soul can pass by God's notice. No matter what your background is, or what your skills are, God has a place for you in the Body. Your absence is missed by your family. Don't wait for Christmas or Easter to visit them. Come see that just as you need God's family, God's family needs you.

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