Hay Saw - to cut round bales

6 months ago

So why do you need a Hay Saw?? IF you are feeding round bales free choice in a round bale feeder you don't need one. But if you wish to feed hay from a round bale in your loafing shed or stall (where a round bale feeder will NOT fit) then you either have to unroll the bale OR use a Hay Saw and candidly using a Hay Saw is IMO a LOT easier.

I bought an old - likely antique - Hay Saw on eBay. I looked for one with both wooden handles still in decent/usable shape. When it arrived I found one handle partly cracked - so I simply taped over both handles with electrical tape to help the very old wood to stay together and to make the surface smooth and sliver-free for use with bare hands. I found the blade was no longer straight - so I set it on my anvil and with a brass hammer straightened it. I then put it in a farrier vise and roughly sharpened it from ONLY one side - then dusted the burr off the other side - then dusted the burr off the sharpened side - until there was no burr. And then it was time to test it out - which is where this video comes in.

Remember to intentionally, on purpose, learn of God each day by prayerfully reading, studying, and pondering upon God's word each day. Talk to God in prayer as your Heavenly Father who would like for you to be His friend. Find out what He would like you to do for Him as His friend and go and do it for Him as His friend. Yes very intentionally, very much on purpose, become the friend of God. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
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