[20240226] Der Angstgarten ''Ultradoxy! • an Idea for Living'' €¢¥

4 months ago

Zionism is racist white supremacy, as exemplified by the previous Nazi destruction of White identity. Hitler killed countless Germans. Netinyahu kills countless Semites. The Nazi/Ask-a-nazi symbiosis is clear: Two brothers in flesh, blood, spirit and infamy, not foes or opposites at all, as they have duped Humanity into believing them to be...
Was it the Jew in Germany - or was it the Germany in both the Jew, and the German? Certainly the Germans must be kept apart, never to be unified in a single homo genius state. They have spawned too much hatred, decadent perversion and pseudo intellectualism whenever left to their own devices: Nazism, psychotherapy, propaganda, LSD, sc*t p*rn, their Arayan race myth (stolen from dark, colored Indians), the atomic bomb, the entartete künst, Communism, Marx, Schwab, Hitler, Mengele, etcetera, et nauseum... The Germanic ''contributions'' to the decline of man have indeed been disproportionately numerous.

Q: What is the only way you can tell Askanazi from a nazi?
A: Ask first

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