3/8 Which indicates a higher mind? Prohibiting evil-doing or prohibiting evil-speaking? (Tertullian)

11 days ago

To Robert Kennedy: The Christian Martyrs went to the lions for daring to proclaim and DEFEND the One True Faith! Facing such cruel death, they didn't recant and they didn't apostatize! A religion is a religion, not a philosphy, not an ideology (religion without God), not a political stand!
A Ray of Hope for our troubled times. History of the Catholic Church: The Persecutions of Christians and the Roman Empire. !st Century after Christ.
The title is from Tertullian, first-century Christian, from his book "Defence" of Christianity, or "Apologia", addressing the pagan Romans and their persecutions of Christians:

"We have a perfect knowledge of what goodness is, being taught by a perfect Master, God himself. And faithfully we do His will, being commanded by a Judge we dare not despise. Your ideas of virtue, on the other hand, come from mere human opinion, and you are commanded by human authority. This means that your understanding of morality is deficient: it is incomplete and lacks the authority to produce a life of real virtue. Human knowledge of what is good is easily deceived, and human authority is easily despised. So, which is the better rule, to say, “You shall not kill,” or to teach “Do not even be angry?” Which is more perfect, to forbid adultery, or to restrain from a single lustful look? Which indicates the higher mind, prohibiting evil-doing or evil-speaking?
As always, following Fr. Javier Olivera Ravasi in his series of lectures'The History of the Church'.
#history, #firstchristians, #martyrs, #tertullian, #tacitus, #seutonius, #martyrdom, #romanempire, #romanempire, #persecutions,
Ep 2 of 8. Second lecture. Following Fr. Javier Olivera Ravasi lectures on the History of the Church. In this episode: from the year 30 - Death of Christ - to the year 70 - Destruction of the Temple by the Romans. Acts of the Apostles (New Testament), Jewish historian Flavius Josephus 'The War of the Jews'. First Christians. First Conversions. The issue of the Gentiles. 'Particularists' vs 'Universalists'. Firrst Martyrs. St. Paul. Antioch.
#judaism, #christianity, #earlychirstianity, #destructiontemple,

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