Cleanup On Aisle CNN: Sen. Tom Cotton Mops The Floor With Dana Bash Pushing New 'Russia' Scandal

5 months ago

Posted • September 9, 2024: The latest remix of 'Russia, Russia, Russia' doesn't seem to be going over as well with voters as Merrick Garland and the leftist media would hope. We've heard all this before and voters aren't going to be fooled a third time about how all conservatives are 'Putin's puppets.' Recently, Twitchy's Aaron Walker did a deep dive into the charges that have been alleged against Tenet Media and how the left is trying to use those -- still unverified -- charges to smear conservative commentators. And, by implication all conservatives in general and even Donald Trump. It is an excellent read, but to summarize a few key points about this new 'scandal': there is no indictment, right now, just allegations; if any charges are brought, they may very well be unconstitutional; and -- most importantly -- NONE of the conservative pundits associated with Tenet Media, notably Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, and Dave Rubin, have been implicated at all. Whether you like their commentary or not, the worst anyone can say about them is that they are victims in this situation, certainly not 'co-conspirators.'

Of course, that doesn't stop the apparatchik media from trying to say they are exactly that. Yesterday, on CNN's State Of The Nation, Dana Bash (who we will remind everyone recently moderated a Presidential debate) pushed some absolutely outrageous claims about the aforementioned commentators. Luckily, Senator Tom Cotton wasn't buying any of it. He dropped Bash's ridiculous claims calmly but flatly, as only Cotton can. -- Sen. Tom Cotton notes how the intel community colluding w/ corporate media to confuse Americans about Hunter’s laptop was a bigger threat to U.S. elections than Russia promoting “memes & videos.” -- CNN’s Dana Bash: “It sounds to me like you‘re downplaying the fact that Vladimir Putin is using people like Dave Rubin, whose show, you went on in February, as a tool for his propaganda.”

It makes sense that Bash is reading from notes throughout this interview, as she has clearly received her talking points from Merrick Garland and the Democrat Party. Whatever influence Russia may be trying to exert, Cotton is 100 percent correct on two points. First, that influence is minimal. More critically, what the CIA has done to improperly sway recent elections is FAR worse than anything Vladimir Putin could ever dream of. And CNN helped them do it. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Cleanup on Aisle CNN: Tom Cotton Mops the Floor With Dana Bash Pushing New 'Russia' Scandal

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