10 Presidential nominee debate questions/concerns we hope get answered in upcoming debates?Wishing 🤭

5 months ago

We thought of 10 questions/concerns that seem to be a challenge for our Presidential nominees to answer and or be able to fully accomplish if elected. Example finishing building our border wall that was bought and in construction, then abandonment under current elected Presidential leaderships. Made it plural to include the Vice President too, with her newly found passion of wanting to resurrect that vanity wall she despised 2 days ago.

Hi Rumble neighborhood,

Yes we know we're not that big ass channel who's subscribers watch eagerly waiting for our next clever or mindless antic or personal trivial matter we share an opinion on. But hey gotta start somewhere and it might as well be from the get. Besides our country needs all the positive vibes of common sense it can possible get to help pump the brakes on it's current loosely bolted carnival ride it is racing around on. Man my supplements are pumping my grey matter with some half way decent spew today. Spew, spew....🤣 aahhh the joys of working with nature as your sounding board. Nice way of me saying alone....So TMi.....back to pro mode. One thing I am not currently concerned with is how to use English language properly since this whole pronoun placement and unpronounceable identifiers are the raging trend. So glad our nation higher education support this. Gives a person a since of pride knowing they have a strong chance of being hired in on of those tenured professions in the year of 2024'. I"m kidding I think? Well if you want to see what we're yabbering about today in regards to our current affairs than please stop reading and tell what you think of our video once you've watched to the end of course silly.
The Mrs.

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Keep imagining, creating & D.I.Y.ing
Mr. Rose & The Mrs.
Wild Rose Haven Homestead

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