Jordan Peterson: "I Have A BAD FEELING About This..."

4 months ago

Now, totalitarianism isn’t just a political ideology; it’s a profound, insidious mindset that creeps into the hearts of men and women, convincing them that they have the right to dictate the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of others. It’s a cancerous ideology that devours individuality, extinguishes freedom, and tramples upon the very essence of what makes us human.

You see, totalitarianism is born from the darkest recesses of the human psyche — from the same place that breeds hatred, fear, and the insatiable thirst for power. It starts with a deceptively innocent notion — the idea that a select few possess the ultimate truth, the absolute knowledge of what is right and just for society. And armed with this supposed truth, they seek to impose their will upon the masses.

But what these totalitarians fail to grasp is the inherent complexity of the human soul. We are not mere puppets, easily manipulated by the strings of ideological dogma. No, we are beings of profound depth, with minds that hunger for exploration and hearts that long for genuine connection. Totalitarianism seeks to shackle these noble desires, to confine us within the suffocating confines of its ideology.

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