Article 5004 Video - International Public Notice: The 33 Percent By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 5004 Video - International Public Notice: The 33 Percent - Monday, September 9, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The Milgram Experiment established that, faced with an Authority Figure and an unfamiliar environment, 67% of normal people will kill on command. They will bow to "authority" even though the instructions go against their deepest moral values, their religion, everything goes out the window for them. And they mindlessly, helplessly turn the dial.

Isn't it interesting that approximately 67% of the world's population accepted vaccination with an undisclosed substance at the behest of perceived authorities that they obeyed and believed?

Authorities who told them this substance was a vaccine and that it was safe and effective?

Authorities who lied. Murderers. Thieves. Cowards. Vile people who exempted themselves and their families, while mandating these injections on everyone else. Clearly, they knew. They did it anyway.

The word from Japan has only gotten worse. Self-assembling nanobots have been confirmed in tens of millions of Japanese people who trustingly accepted the phony vaccine. The Japanese Government is finally in gear, engaged in deep analysis, and criminal investigations, involving every stage of the phony pandemic operation.

The PCR Test guaranteed to deliver 97% positive results.
The vaccine that was never a vaccine.
The bought-and-paid-for media.
The bought-and-paid-for "science".
The lock downs. The Hollywood coverage. The masks.
The six foot no-contact-zone.
The ventilators.
Remdesivir, a dangerous drug already removed from the market.
Project Warp Speed.
The WHO.
The World Bank "Pandemic Bonds"
Bill Gates' Patent on the whole system.
The payments to the hospitals.

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