Self-Concept—5—The Power of Framing and Reframing. Expand Awareness, NLP.

1 month ago

Why would you want to reframe something?
Reframing your thoughts can enhance your self-esteem and alter your perception of others. This practice can transform your emotions, offering a fresh outlook and a different interpretation of situations and individuals.
Reframing can also alter your response to another person. It’s important to remember that if someone triggers you or makes you feel uneasy, it’s not necessarily their actions, words, or behavior causing this. Instead, your thoughts about that individual are causing discomfort or leading to judgment.
How you perceive and think about others triggers your reactions and responses toward them. Changing your thought patterns and reframing how you perceive others changes your STATE and can shift your perspective from being judgmental to being an objective observer and inquirer. As an observer, you can make more informed judgments and take appropriate action. By practicing the technique of reframing negative or self-destructive perspectives, you can create positive changes in your world.

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