Tim Walz Is A Lying Liar Who LIES: He Says It's Still Illegal To Be Gay In Nebraska

5 months ago

Posted • September 9, 2024: Tim Walz lied about gay marriage and got wrecked for it. Walz's assertion anyone is going to ban gay marriage is laughable. Donald Trump was pro-gay marriage before Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, and Obergefell made it the law of the land in 2015. But Walz didn't stop at gay marriage. At the same dinner, he said it was illegal to be gay in Nebraska, where he grew up and that it's still illegal today. Walz: "When I was a kid growing up in Nebraska, being gay was illegal. It's still technically illegal." (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Tim Walz Is a Lying Liar Who LIES: Watch As He Says It’s Still Illegal to Be Gay in Nebraska

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