"Cancer After 'mRNA' Vaccines" Dr. 'Mikolaj Raszek'

6 months ago

"Cancer After 'mRNA' Vaccines" Dr. 'Mikolaj Raszek'

Sep. 9, 2024. Cancer, mRNA Vaccine, Dr. Mikolaj Raszek,

We review a preprint that introduces a case of lymphoma immediately post vaccination and summarizes all currently scientifically published cases of cancer post mRNA vaccines and what might be the causes of such events.

What we cover:
*Who introduced the term “turbo cancers”
*Why are scientists using non-scientific references these days
*Description of a new case of lymphoma post vaccination
*Summary of past published cases and what has been observed
*Potential mechanisms of cancer development post vaccination proposed by authors

Location: The Big Bend, Alberta

Described content:

September. 2024, 9/9/2024, 9/9/24, 09/09/2024, 9-9-2024, 09-09-24, 2024-9-9, 2024/09/09, Sept. 09. 2024, September 09. 2024,

Sep. 2024, 9/10/2024, 9/10/24, 09/10/2024, 9-10-2024, 09-10-24, 2024-9-10, 2024/10/09, Sept. 10. 2024, September 10. 2024,

Cancer, mRNA Vaccine, Dr. Mikolaj Raszek, News,Vaccine, Situation, Explained, Medical, News, Health, Breaking News, Virus, Viruses, Germs, Parasites, Medicine, Poison, Vaccines complications, Doctor, CPC, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic, Practitioner, Vaccines, Vaccine, Vaccination, Vaccinated, Booster Shots, Big Pharma, CDC, VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, Medical Documentary, As The Last Bell Tolls, The Vaccines, Deadly, New, Monkeypox, Outbreak, Vaccines, MPOX' Vaccine, Monkey pox, The Truth, MPOX, Situation, Explained, Medical, News, Health, Breaking News, Virus, Viruses, Germs, Parasites, Medicine, Poison, Vaccines complications, Monkey pox Vaccine, Killing, Depopulation, Children, Die, Eugenics, Vaccine, Medical, Health, Unhealthy, Doctor, Outbreak, Virus, Germs, Parasites, Medical Doctor, Critical Thinking, Time, Enemy, Humanity, The Human Race, Life, Doctors, Doctor, Health, Medicine, Uploaded Andre Corbeil, Rumble, Globalism, The Elite, Interview, Psychopathic, Behaviours, Globalism, Bankers, The Ruling Class, News, Podcast, World News, The Great Reset, Big Corporations, Stakeholder Capitalism, Evil, Corruption, Information, Empires, Viral, News, History, Anatolia, Podcasts, Historical, Info, Symbolism, Mind Control, The Deep State, Dr. Lee Merritt, The Origins Of, The Red Faction, The Cabal, Lee Merritt, Globalism, Globalists, NGOs, Secret Orders, Secret Societies, Documentary, Movie, Film, Banksters, Politicians, Global Elites, The Great Taking, Financial Elite, The Plan, Stealing, Everyone, IMF, Big Banks, Globalists, The Global Elite, World Leaders, Fraudsters, Lies, Deceit, Deception, interview, National economic security, United States, economics, National, economic, security, recovery, political policies, Elijah Streams, Breaking News, Economics, Finance, Finance, Money, Financial, BRICS, System, Money Reserves, Currency, Launched, What's Next, THE 'SWIFT' Banking System, 'U.SA', Financial System, Hegemony, Global, The Greenback, The Petro Dollar, Gold, Silver, Precious metals, Drugs, Drug Use, Child Abuse, Inducing Fear, Terrorizing, Innocent Children, Monsters, Horrible Humans, Demons, Demonic, Dopamine, M.I.T, PhD, Medical Claims Conspiracy theories, Vaccine, Injuries, Health, Healing, Reversing, Rumble News, Biological Weapons, mRNA, Vaccine, Depopulation, Truth, Maria Zee, Facts, Medical Advice, Medical News, News, Breaking News, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Globalism, NIH, WEF, W.H.O, Science, Health, Bill Gates, US Government, Forced Vaccination, Vaccinated, MRNA In Food, mRNA, Food Items, News, Health,

Doctor, CPC, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic, Practitioner, Dr. Robert Young, Vaccines, Vaccine, Vaccination, Vaccinated, Booster Shots, Big Pharma, CDC, VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, Medical Documentary, As The Last Bell Tolls, The Vaccines, Deadly,

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