25 min talk: ivermectin-based multidrug protocols for hypoxemic C19 patients

14 days ago

This is the prerecorded research talk that I gave on September 8, 2024 at the 2024 Infectious Disease World Conference. It is a short 25 minute presentation of our paper, "Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia"


E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, C. Aldous: "Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia", preprint

J.C. Stone, P. Ndarukwa, D.E. Scheim, BM Dancis, J. Dancis, M.G.Gill, C. Aldous, "Changes in SpO2 on Room Air for 34 Severe COVID-19 Patients after Ivermectin-Based Combination Treatment: 62% Normalization within 24 Hours", Biologics. 2022 2(3) (2022), 196-210.

S. Hazan, S. Dave, A.W. Gunaratne, S. Dolai, R.L. Clancy, P.A. McCullough, T.J. Borody, "Effectiveness of ivermectin-based multidrug therapy in severely hypoxic, ambulatory COVID-19 patients", Future Microbiology 17 (5) (2022), 339-350

O.E. Babalola, Y.A. Ndanusa, A.A. Ajayi, J.O. Ogedengbe, Y. Thairu, and O. Omede, "A Randomized Controlled Trial of Ivermectin Monotherapy versus Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Azithromycin Combination Therapy in COVID- 19 Patients in Nigeria", Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology 7 (2021), 233

E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, V. Zelenko: "Statistical analysis methods applied to early outpatient COVID-19 treatment case series data", COVID 2(8) (2022), 1139-1182

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