Do Americans deserve, or feel like they want more debates from Presidential or government nominees?

5 months ago

This is the question..We share our thoughts on if there should be more debates held by our Presidential nominees or any government leadership nominee for that matter. Who wants us American citizens votes so they can represent either our local state or national White House positions.

Hi Rumble neighborhood,

Since it seems like evading questions, interviews and now limiting debates are how the current democratic party Presidential campaign feels the Americans deserve to figure out why they should vote for them is a good plan. What say you Americans? Are you feeling confident about voting for someone who's current track record is showing a deficit in top issues to run a successful country? But not willing to answer to why that is? Not even with their own friendly journalist.
Are you #feeling like we're getting jipped from being able to make a #rational decision, on who to vote for, particularly for our Nations #President? Especially with this rampant excess issues from economical, well to just about every important administrative infrastructure a country needs to run efficiently. Like, what really is going on with this mystery box offering as our Presidential nominee this year from the Democratic party? Who seems to be dodging Americans opportunity to hear their current Presidential nominee's proposal on her plans to restore our current state which has been down graded to a near third world country status in #2024. Mind you while she is the standing Vice President. While at the same time they seem to want to hush the Republicans Presidential nominee with the help of a group of major news media and other big tech influencers. To the point they are making gaslighting like comments to try and convenience us, the Americans. That a few non explanatory red carpet like comments should suffice our, what they seem to think is a, 3 second tik tok like retention span to base what could be a decision that will not only effect our current life span but our future generations to come. Please share in the comments why agree or disagree with this video.
The Mrs.

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Mr. Rose & The Mrs.
Wild Rose Haven Homestead

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