7 Easy Steps to Reclaim your Happiness ...

5 months ago

7 Easy Steps to Reclaim your Happiness ...

Are you sometimes feeling overwhelmed, resentful, burnt out, stuck in autopilot, as if your joy has flatlined?

If your joy has bottomed out, it can mean that you continued to take care of others, long after you ran out of resources.

You had to resort to giving from ‘bones, organs or blood’ because your cup was empty.

The energy that should have been used to heal and energize your body was given to others.

These are all symptoms of being a ‘classic caretaker’.

Perhaps you resonate with the above, but you still don’t think you fall into the category of caring too much for others and neglecting yourself.

So let me ask you a question:

Use the link below to read Grada's Blog in full .... https://gradarobertson.com/7-easy-steps-to-reclaim-your-happiness/

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