What is Dispensationalism- and why does it make everybody so angry? (with Craig of GotQuestions.org)

4 months ago

I can't figure out why I keep making everybody mad at me, so I brought in an expert to explain it. Craig of Awaiting Christ ministry and podcast joins me today to explain dispensationalism and how it relates to the modern state of Israel and rapture theology- both hot button issues in today's political and church climate.

Craig is also a seminary student and longtime writer for the GotQuestions.org website. He receives a lot of flack online for his theological views, so he chooses to keep his last name private. Find out more about him and what he does at: https://linktr.ee/AwaitChrist

Give his podcast a listen here, and subscribe if you want to hear more from Craig!



If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

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