AZ Props for November 2024 Election

3 months ago

Hello Everyone, In this video we go over all of the props for the 2024 election. We gave all of these a lot of attention and talked them over with a lot of people. We went through a lot of Statutes and Constitutional information to come up with why we are suggesting that People Vote NO on all the Props for November 2024 Election. Please take the time to listen to why we are saying these things before giving us your comments. We do understand that not all of the people in AZ. will agree and that is your right. We are a Constitutional Republic and in the State of Arizona you still have the right to vote as you would like. We are just going through these and giving you a very honest opinion about what we see and what will happen if you these Props go into affect. We are only looking out for the People of Arizona. All along that is what we have been doing is educating and teaching the People in Arizona about the Constitutions and the Statutes that affect us and in other parts of the United States. We do not take this lightly and we know what we are telling you is not always what you want to hear. But just know that we do all that we can to give you the information we feel will better you. The Constitution is not just a peace of paper it is something that we know has a lot of power and is very hard to rectify if you get the wrong things in it. A Statute is something that is much easier to fix and it can be done with out the stamp of a Governor. Here in Arizona there are 49 Titles (Statutes) that have hundreds and hundreds of Statutes (LAWS) inside each one of them. 49 Titles We feel that all of the Props already have LAWS on the BOOKS covering all of these Props. All the PEOPLE need to do is have the Legislature do their job Stop writing more laws, and fix the ones we have. All of this can be done with out the Governor having anything to do with the process. Please listen to the video look over the information, and see that we do not need these to go in to make great change here in our state of Arizona.
Link to our website:
You will find the video and the information that we shared in the video here.
If you would like to send the video to others we would be happy that you do so. This should get all around Arizona before November Election begins.

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