True Purpose | The Actual Role of The 2nd Amendment

4 months ago

Discussing The 2nd Amendment and its true purpose as the deterrent against tyrants seizing power when the citizenry is vulnerable. Home and personal security only being an additional benefit, having firearms is about our securing the liberties millions have died to protect. Every single nation that has disarmed their population has committed mass murder. If a government tells you they're disarming the population for the 'safety of children' while in the same breath fighting for abortion up until the moment of birth, well then there's something very revealing in that contradiction. Their motive is ensuring the extermination of literally hundreds of millions can go unhindered, with machine like efficiency. Every establishment figurehead in the world talks at public venues like TED Talks, about how the world's population needs to be culled to ensure the continuation of their wretched system. Military type weapons should be accessible to every single adult male American, because who is one mortal to tell another mortal that their authority somehow supersedes the other? If someone uses any kind of weapon to harm the innocent, commit crimes, etcetera, then you deal with that one case, not pave a path for millions to be killed by the same people pretending 'safety' is their motive. If their definition of 'safety' is murdering their political rivals and killing the elderly and disabled to ease financial strain on their regime, would you still be so determined to demand 'safety'? What about if you have a rare blood type, perhaps they'll want to harvest you like a plant because some party official's kid needs a new liver, sound good? A little CCP Healthcare anyone? We've been making compromises for decades and now we're almost completely finished on both a state, in most cases, and federal level. Like a birdhouse being built one stick a week for years or all at once in a day, the end result is the same. That's how tyranny is executed, one stick a week until before you even realize it, the same resulting tyranny is complete. Like a frog in slowly heated water, it will sit there until it boils to death.

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