sui generis living breathing sovereign humans = consciousness 16

12 days ago

if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need to inflict pandemics earthquakes floods wildfires hurricanes which kill lives and destroy any thing connected to life ?

if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need millions of women to get tortured raped prostituted murdered every year ?

if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need millions of children to get tortured raped murdered their organs & blood consumed every year ?

if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need to create oceans to be undrinkable while deserts frozen lands barren lands to be non nurturing ?

if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need to create you human slaves to suffer pain anger hatred stress sorrow regret fear while create such low vibrational energy ?

if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need to create lions hyenaes leopards crocodiles to keep killing & eating buffaloes zebras giraffes gazelles in order to sustain themselves ?

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