Sneak peek at upcoming series "Dys Family"

6 months ago

This is a short sneak peek at an original animated series that has been in development for sometime now.
Starting as a project from No Hesitation Productions and continuing as a project on Reality Check Music. Dys Family will be compiled of a few original animated series that was originally thought of over fifteen years ago. While being influenced heavily by shows like South Park and F is for Family. While also drawing inspiration from real life events, as well as previous inside jokes between my brother and myself.

Dys Family is a play on words. Dis/this family is also a very Dysfunctional family.

The official home of this series will be -

Original official trailer -

Sneak peek features music by Official Hearseboi and the theme song provided by J Biz R.
Voices - by Hearseboi
Do me sum mo - by J Biz R

Voice actors in this sneak peek include artists in collaboration provided by Reality Check Music and WiKiTWoNkAWeCkOrDs.
Official Hearseboi, Brandon Swanger, Boots tha Klown (of StrangeJRB) and Wikit.

Dys Family is written, directed and animated by Brandon Swanger.

Co writers include Jay Kelley and Mike Tek.

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