Shuv Show "God is a Gardener" Christene Jackman

5 months ago

“God is a Gardener”
Christene Jackman ©9.1.2024
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EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
Shuv is a Hebrew word that means to return, to repent, turn back to the Creator and His Ways. In recent years, I have gone potty for gardening; growing berries, veggies, and perennial flowers. At present, a small bit of space is all I have, so it’s really a tiny garden, a test plot for various plants; a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It has been quite a learning experience, including seed saving and dehydrating. Discovering the old technology of water bath and pressure canning, pickling, and fermenting has been so rewarding! Someday, I hope to have a little home in the country with a nice big sunny garden to put my new skills to use. There is nothing like eating what you have grown yourself. The flavor! And no poisons or harmful fertilizers.

Another reason I adore gardening is that I am continually amazed at the sheer genius of our Creator’s creativity. The complexity of systems, the forward thinking, and the reproductive ability of plants astounds me. I feel close to the Lord when I work with His creation. After all, He was the first Gardener . . . "

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