
5 months ago

that's the thing so with genetics it's only usually the way it inserts and the way it looks you can always make whatever muscle bigger you can you can always do that so that's that's not an issue you can always make the muscle bigger just what it looks like lean that's more usually what the genetic will give you it just decides your genetics usually on how much you've got to shovel force food force feed to eat extra or you don't have to eat as much to get the same type of results if you know what i mean so that has a bigger factor So you can always improve muscle grip you know you just can't control where the insertions is and the way that the lines run with it Yeah but you know it is what it is I suppose But yeah no I haven't really done much I've just been sitting on my normal type of diet just munching my food I've pumped my calories up and I'm messing with a new diet so that's good I'm not going to go more in depth on there I usually do that differently but everything's on track and working well so that's good um so i just gotta try to just maintain my same body weight and just come in leaner you know and just slowly because what have i got i technically have close to 20 9 weeks or something but that's not exact dates because i don't know i haven't decided what i'm planning on doing that's just giving me around a March the end of March deadline That's what that's time because I haven't got exact dates or I haven't decided what I'm going to do moving forward But the plan is like your plan

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