Big Changes Ahead

6 months ago

There are Big Changes Ahead for Danu's Irish Herb Garden so apologies for a short and late video. The decision has been made to set up on another platform alongside this one. I am looking forward to the opportunity to be more creative and will be adding podcasts, newsletters, blogs along with other material. I sincerely hope you will join me there on the 'stack. In the meantime if you would like to join the Wise Woman's Way Circle for the Autumn Equinox, please have a look here. This is a transpersonal course which follows the Celtic Wheel of the Year using druidic and shamanic techniques. I am all about empowering people and so the Introduction to Herbal Medicine is designed to help anyone learn how to harvest the power of medicinal plants. Here are the details - for the Introduction and for the Plant Ally/Flower Essence course.
My books, The Weed Handbooks, greeting cards and flower essences are all in the shop -
Our new platforms are - and - hope to see you there as well.
Thanks to Lol for music and editing - you can find Lol here on You Tube and this is his website -

Hoping you are all well and see you next week here and elsewhere - the other two platforms.

Thanks for watching xx

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