DUA: The Answered Prayer with Dr. Shadee Elmasry | TRAILER

5 months ago

Amidst a world teeming with noise, have you ever wondered what role Dua (supplication) is supposed to play in your life? How do our supplications weave into the narrative of our lives, offering solace, guidance, and sometimes, a miraculous shift in our fortunes?

Embark on an enlightening journey this Ramadan with Dr. Shadee Elmasry in "DUA: The Answered Prayer." This series is a heartfelt exploration into the soul-stirring realm of Dua—understanding it not just as a practice, but as a profound dialogue with the Creator. Through it, discover the undeniable power of personal prayers in navigating life's highs and lows, and the remarkable ways in which they are answered, often in forms we least expect.

This series promises to transform your perception of Dua, from a routine act of faith to a potent tool for change in your personal world and beyond. It's a call to recognize that in the act of making Dua, you are never powerless or alone; instead, you are engaging in an act that has the divine potential to alter your reality. Join us to uncover the beauty and depth of Dua, and how through it, every moment of your life is an opportunity to connect deeply, request earnestly, and hope fervently.

Disclaimer: Only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

#drshadee #dua #ramadanseries #ramadan2024

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