Heaven Land Devotions - Christ's Kingdom Has No Frontiers

5 months ago

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I have something I want to say that's troubling my soul. Almost vexing it. A couple of days ago Trump said, "If you don't vote for me Israel will be no more." Pastor Jack Hibbs said "America is doomed unless the church wakes up and steps up."

Now let me establish something here. This is not an attack on either men. It's what was said. In fact if any other two prominent individuals stood up and said that, my vexation would still stand. Also I understand where they are coming from.

Here is what I want to say from my burning fiery heart. Since when has America been the key power factor of the existence of Israel? We are only 248 years old as a nation. God chose Jacob and had to change his name to Israel because that nation would spring from his loins.

He could not make an everlasting covenant with one man. Israel exists from ancient times to now and forevermore. Jerusalem is called "The Eternal City of David." It's existence is not incumbent upon the existent help of America or any other nation. God keeps Israel.

As for the church. Maybe it is a good thing for this final church to go through some fire and diamond producing pressure to cause the power and glory of the true, living, breathing body of Jesus Christ to be manifested in this final epic end.

The church in ancient times was potent because it went through heavy fires. "Of the increase of His and government and peace there shall be no end."

The body of Jesus Christ is sleepy. The nation of Israel and body of Christ are eternal "from everlasting to everlasting." "The works of God were finished from the foundations of the earth." I think this will be our time if Christ shall tarry to be the right-ended book end of the church. What they were then we will be also. And only fires purify, not 503-c churches. Or elected unsaved officials.

This was one of the downfalls of the Jewish nation under Rome during Jesus' time. The Sadducees were a tightly woven powerful force in the Jewish culture. They were powerfully politically connected to the Roman government and politicians, and combined Judaism with it. Hence, their own ancient form of Jewish Nationalism.

God will put Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzar's and Caesar's in power over His own people for solid reasons that bring His desired outcome for them. As God will keep Israel He knows how to keep America too.

We cannot be afraid. He knows what He's doing even if it looks like the US is on the edge of the gang plank.

"But the word of our God is equal to anything."

~ Amy Carmichael

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