Isaiah 10, What does it mean for the Most Holy One to say "woe" to a certain person or group?6.21.24

6 months ago

Isaiah is prophesying during the reign of Ahaz. He started this prophecy in chapter 7 and it is continuing through chapter 12.

Isaiah is giving Ahaz some very bad news. He would do well to heed these warnings. But he didn't. Elohim has set forth some principles and guidelines for nations and for people to follow if they are to survive. Those principles and guidelines are His Torah. In His Torah, Elohim says that those in authority have a special responsibility to the people and to Elohim. They are to make sure that justice is blind to our social status. Elohim opens this chapter discussing those in authority.

Isa 10:1 Woe to those who enact evil statutes, And to those who constantly record unjust decisions,

Elohim says "Woe" to those who write evil laws and to those who give out justice unfairly. Do we understand what it means for the Most Holy One to say "woe" to a particular person or group? These men are going to be judged severely for their actions.

(Micah 3:1-4, 9-12).

It is imperative that the laws that govern man align themselves with the Torah of Elohim. But that is clearly not the case today.

River Valley Torah Assembly

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