We Are All Guilty of Sin

6 months ago

In Paul's comments, he asserts that all of mankind is guilty of sin. The fact is, that through God's word and teachings there are no 'exemption from sin' clauses in scripture for any man, women or child. If you commit a sin the bible is clear on how to face the consequences of your sin, to seek forgiveness and then repent (turn away) from that sin. God provided to us a Son to show us that we will be forgiven of our sins if and only if we receive and believe Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That we will receive the final prize (heaven) if we believe that God sent Jesus and through Jesus we will find the Father (John 14:6).

Jesus was born without sin. Additionally, there is no evidence in the scriptures that Jesus in His three year earthly ministry committed sin. Therefore, we conclude that the only ones who live with sin that have been born into sin are humans. This is because of the sinful act in the Garden of Eden with which Eve according to scripture took the first bite of the fruit of the forbidden tree and Adam shortly followed. They were completely lied to by Satan himself. Sin has always been the enemy of God. More precisely, if you are living in sin and are unrepentant then you are separated from God (Isaiah 59:2).

The world is trying to convince us that "everyone sins" so it must be okay. Churches go as far as to suggest that you can live in a lifestyle that is categorically opposed to God's natural design and be okay. That no matter how bad your behavior is or how much you kick against scripture and the Lord, you will be rewarded through that behavior by living in heaven. This is the great lie from Satan! If we want to secure our place in heaven then that requires submitting our lives completely to God. That means we should live the life that God has designed for us by choosing to live for Him and only Him. This requires strength through the Holy Spirit, a change of heart on our part and the desire to repent from our sinful nature.

Repentance is a key component into living and separating ourselves from the sins in this world. It allows us to grow closer to God and develop that strong relationship with the Lord that He desires to have with us. Unfortunately, repentance is far from the lips of many pastors today. It is not being stressed enough through the "feel good" preaching that has taken over in many of our Christian churches. The message of repentance needs to be stated much stronger and should always include the way we live our life for Christ and the way we treat others like Christ. When we combine these critical components in our messaging and show by the way we live for Christ, our relationship with Christ strengthens and provides an example to others on how to live for Christ. We should always ask what is more important to God. Is it that we follow the world and what the world tells you what your Christian walk should look like? Or is it that we follow the Lord and the Lord only developing a strong relationship with Him and a repentant heart. That we would lean in on our relationship with Christ and use His strength to rid ourselves of our sins living for Christ and Christ alone?

But we see now in today's environment that the world is embracing sin on a scale that quite honestly boggles the mind. We see hearts that are growing colder, more people are disrespecting each other on a grand scale. Wars, rumors of nuclear war are the headlines today. Murder, rape, sex trafficking seems to be ignored in some communities and none of it makes any sense unless you are closely tied to the word of God. Understanding God's prophetic word includes warnings to us all that we will be in this exact place with these exact behaviors. Having that close personal relationship with Christ allows us to see and realize that time is short while recognizing the dreadful trajectory this world is on. So many will be deceived and are deceived now (Matthew 24:10). God has foretold of this happening in His word and as we approach the coming judgment against the enemy and against those who follow him. This is especially true in the US and other European countries.

The good news is this, today as in the past, people understand the value of biblical teachings and the desire to follow the instructions set forth by God using Gods word and instructions as our moral compass. True Christians take much care in putting God first in their lives without a second thought of persecution or the perception of being labeled as a "Jesus freak". From the beginning of time to present day, being a Christian, a follower of Christ, being called by Christ to serve Him is the beginning of that personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we should no longer live in the world as the world dictates but should live in the freedom that Christ has provided to us. The bible teaches us in the NT that we are free from the law, free from sin and death (Romans 8:2).

My prayer is that we are no longer bound by the things of the world and the distractions that take our focus off of Christ. My prayer is that we all receive and believe that Jesus died on the cross for each one of us. Jesus has become our Lord and Savior and through Him we will find salvation and because of Him we will find eternal life. Amen! Amen!

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