Convinced and Persuaded: Walking in Water-Walking Faith

5 months ago

Convinced and Persuaded: Walking in Water-Walking Faith
Speaker: Stacey Carver
BIBLE: Romans 4:16-22, Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:18, Joshua 21:45, Hebrews 9:15-28, Joshua 23:14, Isaiah 55:10-11, Psalms 103:20, Hebrews 4:2, Matthew 14:22-33, Hebrews 1:3, Matthew 8:8

DATE: 09-01-24
In our Christian walk, we are called to live by faith, and not just any faith but a faith that is fully convinced and persuaded by the promises of God. When we talk about having “water-walking faith,” we’re referring to the kind of faith that doesn’t look at circumstances but at the Word of God. It is a faith that is anchored in the truth that God cannot lie, and His Word never returns void. Today, we will explore what it means to be fully convinced of God's promises and how that conviction empowers us to call things which are not as though they were, just like Abraham and Peter. To live a life of faith is to be convinced and fully persuaded that God’s Word is true, His promises are sure, and His nature is trustworthy. Like Abraham, who hoped against hope, we must call those things that are not as though they were. Like Peter, we must step out in faith, keeping our eyes on Jesus and not on the storms around us. And like the centurion, we must believe that one word from Jesus is enough to change everything. God cannot lie. His Word will not return void. As we stand on His promises, mixing them with faith, we will see His power at work in our lives. Keep pressing forward, stand firm in faith, and trust that God’s Word will always come to pass.
In Christ,
Pastor Stacey Carver

Harvest Time International Church

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