UN Agenda Twenty One. The Brundtland Report Global to Local

4 months ago

Our common future 1987..
Our Common Future 'The planning of societal change takes place decades before the public see any signs of the implementation, by this time it is being sold to them in the form of a benefit'

The public are not excluded from looking for these ongoing plans but they are not looking for them so do not look for and do not see the signs of change.
Most will never be able to see the plans behind these changes as they believe the cover story.
The change has to be brought about on the back of something which appears beneficial to the public.
The public then accept the change as necessary or for the “common good”. They are guilt tripped into accepting loss of rights and benefits through basic propaganda tools.

1987: Brundtland Report. https://www.are.admin.ch/are/en/home/media/publications/sustainable-development/brundtland-report.html

''Group think, the hive mind which then demonises anything outside the controlled accepted narrative. Fear of being singled out keeps the flock in line. Now you are called a denier, a right wing ''
The societal structure of power implements this through the executive, judicial and administrative arms if governance.
Interested and promoted lobbyists exploit this for their own advantage and indirectly the advantage of the state.
This is the basis of how society works in the present technocratic age.
FULL TEXT https://windowsontheworld.net/video_type/5350/

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: T.me/WeAreAwake

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