Tracy Thurman: The Technocrats "War on Food" Is A War on YOU!

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A Global War on Food? The conversation with Tracy Thurman touches on the astonishing idea of a "war on food." Thurman acknowledges that most would find it strange to think there’s such a war, but it’s undeniable when we see global trends, particularly in Europe. “Most of us would never have dreamed ten years ago that there would be a push to demonize our farmers,” she observes. Thurman points to the Netherlands and Germany, where farmers are protesting in masses against oppressive policies. She states, “Farmers all over the world are being persecuted, prosecuted, and shut down.”

The One Health Agenda A key framework driving this shift is the One Health agenda, which Thurman discusses critically. She emphasizes how One Health positions decisions about human health as not just based on human needs but also on environmental and animal health. “The decisions...are being based on what is good for not just you, but what your doctor...thinks is good for the planet,” Thurman argues. This troubling shift, according to her, redefines personal health under the umbrella of environmental activism, where animal protein, for example, becomes demonized.

Carbon-Reduction Agendas Thurman sees initiatives like C40 Cities as part of a broader technocratic push to transform human diets. The plan includes strict limitations on carbon emissions, where citizens may only be allowed three new items of clothing annually and “your intake of red meat would be limited to thirty calories per day.” Such policies, Thurman warns, will lead to a diet of “plant-based foods only,” driven by controlling institutions like the Rockefeller Foundation.

Technocracy and Control Thurman aligns this food war with broader control mechanisms tied to technocracy. She remarks, “I think we have a class of technocratically-minded, power-hungry individuals,” who, like the Rockefellers, work generationally to exert control. Dr. Bock remarks during the discussion that “in order to get good technology, you actually need ideas to bubble up from people with liberty.” But he notes that technocratic elites stifle creativity by turning society into a controlled “work camp.”

Fake Foods and Processed Proteins Thurman highlights the insidious development of fake foods, heavily processed substitutes promoted as solutions to the carbon problem. From plastic-based proteins to lab-grown “meat,” she notes how these foods are often contaminated with antibiotics and produced in unnatural conditions. “It is grown from what are essentially cancerous eternal cell lines,” she explains. The processed nature of these foods poses significant health risks, as Thurman highlights how projects funded by DARPA include creating edible proteins from waste materials.

The Call for Local Farming Finally, Thurman advocates for a return to decentralized, independent farming. “Find a local farmer, get to know them, and buy your food from them,” she advises. She believes that localizing food production is the only real solution to this growing war on natural food.

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