‘What Constitutes True Liberation?’ with Martin Geddes - Moving from human law to Divine Law

6 months ago

Greetings from Costa Rica!! And welcome to Episode #5 of the VANGUARD VISIONARIES interview series, where I again give my friend Martin Geddes an open platform to express his erudite but also very pragmatic ideas about how to navigate these historical Change Times. Please review his writings about these fundamentally critical topics at the following URL: https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/interview-what-constitutes-true-liberation
I am A. RaSOL, back after a 2-year sabbatical, a near-complete break from social media as I completely shifted both my life and physical location in this world, and finally set up a solid foundation for achieving my long-sought-after goal of a magnificent tropical ‘Free Man On The Land’ homestead, food sovereignty, and physical independence from the rapidly collapsing Systems Of Control (my Property shall soon serve as a small private Wellness & Self-Improvement Center starting in 2025). These video presentations of people who I consider the #vanguard among the many modern-day #visionaries, those fellow socio-politically and spiritually awakened Real People who have been making significant positive energetic ripples in the Collective Consciousness, are presented to inspire and motivate others to also take the daunting ‘road less traveled’ or, as is the case with many of us, blaze an entirely *new* trail through the brambles and swamps of the Old Earth miasma. The Path of Self-Awareness and Evolution is a brutal, arduous Journey. Those of us who have braved those countless ‘dark nights of the Soul’ – and made it through to some degree of True Liberation -- can now offer others specific tools and techniques and advice to facilitate your progress along The Narrow Way.
In this 5th episode in the series, I am honored to once again host the world-renowned #professional #international #systems #analyst and data-point #synthesist, author of two books and countless penetrating essays, my highly esteemed friend #MartinGeddes. I ‘met’ Martin online a few years back, shortly after he had already gained initial recognition in the #global #patriot circles via his cogent and incisive writings on what many have since termed the #17-based ‘intel drops’ for the newly awakening public. This is my third time hosting this already-historical champion of sociopolitical truth, objective analysis of publicly available data sets, and exposure of the systemic corruption of our deeply compromised ‘legal institutions’ (FYI, my two interviews with him in 2022 were removed by the YT censors for violations of *their* totally arbitrary -- and ambiguously defined -- 'community standards' lol). This new discussion was inspired by Martin’s Substack post of August 28th, 2024, titled ‘Are you a spiritually alive Child of God?’ We explore the concepts he presents to us ‘Truthers’ and ‘Awakened Ones’ in the article, and how it relates to his past few years of taking on the exasperating challenge of ‘fighting the system’ of human law in the UK, both in his own defense, and semi-altruistically for others (we ALL suffer from institutional authoritarianism).
Here is the information Martin has provided for review and contact:
Substack blog: http://newsletter.martingeddes.com
Q essays: http://onq.martingeddes.com
Banned book: http://openmindschange.com
Support my work: http://martingeddes.com/support
The two relevant articles of my own I refer to in our presentation are the following, published on my old blog between 2010 and 2015 at www.Waverider1.wordpress.com : https://waverider1.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/identity-crisis/ and https://waverider1.wordpress.com/2013/07/11/afterglow/ Another piece I penned back then that appears to be somewhat prescient -- a fairly clear ‘10-year Delta’ – and one that may help many get a more detached and harmonious perspective on what we’ve been through, and move forward with a more pragmatic outlook and positive attitude, is titled ‘Don’t Look Back’: https://waverider1.wordpress.com/2014/01/08/dont-look-back/
For myself, I can be found most easily via Telegram at t.me/sol1soul (NO solicitations or ‘opportunities’ or ‘invitations’ please!). I have two Channels there, and a Vanguard Visionaries Group (t.me/VanguardVisionaries) as well. Please feel free to join our small but erudite discussion group on Telegram, where I post the most relevant UPdates and ‘intel’ to facilitate our successful navigation of these epic historical Change Times. Here is the direct link: https://t.me/+kMZfftIC9jBjNDNh I also have a Substack blog account under 'A RaSOL', where I am beginning to get active: @SOLMAN1 My best e-mail now is rasolar@proton.me if you would like to contact me directly in a more private manner (again, NO SPAMMING!). Also see my old 'Soul Surfer' style blog (2010-15), full of 5-10 year 'deltas', at www.Waverider1.wordpress.com
IMPORTANT NOTE: No matter what transpires, please do not lose sight of our common goals and noble objectives in this ‘fight’ for Global Liberation from the ancient Babylonian systems of human subjugation and control. And, most of all, never forget to do all you can to manifest the Highest Outcome for the Awakened Collective of Humanity while, on a personal level, striving valiantly 24/7 to increase your knowledge and expand your self-mastery. This is The Way.


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