KEVAN trimmel solar warden empath

5 months ago

[?] REMEMBER all thats so old info on new situation totally useless already or all thats still only heavier wake up calls so know look listen feel reach better experience or do know escape into good better best hows evacuation to outside from all negativities not look only hows looks inside situation or hows history or hows informations, been also on global continental undergound network before network was been destroyed, was been give command destroy network after was been seen network travel via network when was been let to look also was travel on earth surface with magnetic technologies, earlier was been travel outside solar system then also inside solar system, networks technologies was on wrong hands why all that was need been destroyed, not so many bases been transformed into evacuation situation, rarely some, original deep deep undergrounds are all positive networks, negative networks was only maximal tens kilometers deep, original networks been hundreds also thousands kilometers deep but population is have publicly access only later after full disclosure on full life evacuation situation, now only when know have personal access.

[note] CORRECT type info but sadly all space programs are negative groups as not higher dimensions galactics only mimic copy higher without follow higher, he was been used abused even he was been healthy young person with know do nature connection, KNOW do not go into space programs.

"Kevan shares his experiences as an empath in Solar Warden and discusses the Space Navy, Mars Colony, Lunar Operations Command, Earth Defense Force, Earth Alliance, James Casbolt, Dark Fleet Base, A.I. Entrainment, Sasquatch, and much more."

"Kevan Trimmell Secret Space Program Experiences, Arctic, Antarctica, ICC, Solar Warden"

"Kevin Trimmel & Ileana: Space Force, Origins of SSP Project Horizon & Mars Project"

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