Cabot from Don't Spray Nova Scotia : Our Forests are being clear cut, then sprayed with Glyphosate!

5 months ago

Citizens are camping out in the locations to prevent the spraying.
These courageous individuals NEED more help!

Cabot and I discuss all the ways you can get informed of get involved.

From Cabot :
" We oppose the aerial spraying of glyphosate herbicides in our local forests.
To be on our newsletter and to get involved, please email:
For links to maps, articles and other information, see:
Our Facebook page is:

Here’s who you can write:
Tim Halman, Minister of the Department of the Environment and Climate Change email:
Tim Houston, Premier of Nova Scotia email:
CC your MLA: you can find them at
…and, please remember to CC

Please write as soon as you can. We look forward to seeing all those cc-d emails!!
It doesn’t need to be anything fancy; you can just tell them how you FEEL about spraying clearcuts, mention what area of the province you live in and, if you are near a spray site, you could add that. You might also say that we are already aware that Environment Canada has approved Glyphosate as a herbicide, but that they’ve got it wrong because there are still too many questions about its safety - or words to that effect."

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