💥💥💥 The world is waking up and America is fed up!!

5 months ago

💥💥💥 The world is waking up and America is fed up!!

Welcome to the GREAT AWAKENING!!!

Somebody please sponsor this fierce lady and elect her into office! She’s got what it takes to clean up a city and she’s coming for them ALL, with an army of Patriots behind her!

Anyone know her name?

THIS is what real America looks like now, not that garbage MSM is spewing!!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

It's not white liberals, it's liberals, Reagan, JFK, Malcolm X, and MLK all warned us about the liberals. The liberals are the product of ideological subversion by the cabal (Jesuits and Khazarian and others) to slowly make us sick, make us poor, drain us of our energy, our sovereign birth right. The enemy is Satan/Lucifer, spearheaded by the Jesuits in the Vatican, assisted by the Khazarian Mafia, the false prophets in Hollywood, on Tell-a-Vision, the Mockingbird Media, as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street eat up all other corporations over the decades under the auspice of "Capitalism", but in reality all three mega corporations, owned by the same Khazarian Ashkenazi Jew'ish Zionists who own the Federal Reserve have actually been ushering in world communism. This is why in 2020 the zionist bolshevik communists unleashed their Covid-19 genetic bioweapon because they wanted to genocide us down to 500 Million survivors. Those who survive controlled by nanotechnology injected into them with the covid-19 bioweapon. The enemy is a common enemy, satanic parasites; they control through fear and genocide and famine, always have done, and they latch onto the most convenient host, sucking the life out of it before moving on.

Are you waking up yet?

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