Maryland Parental Rights

19 days ago

Vote no on the Maryland constitutional amendment question one. It’s not about abortion it’s about your rights to your children.

1. It does not say abortion, it says “reproductive freedom”. An amendment to replace “reproductive freedom” with Abortion failed.

2. It does not have an age limit. This will limit a parent’s right to be informed and decide for their children. An amendment to add an age was voted down.

3. It does not say woman. It says “individual”. Why was the amendment to replace “individual” with “woman” voted down?

4. It states “including but not limited to”. A Constitutional Amendment should not be so open ended where anything goes due to “but not limited to”.

5. Abortion has been protected in Maryland since 1991 and Maryland is an abortion sanctuary state. A Constitutional Amendment makes all current abortion laws (rights and limitations) void.

6. A judge may and probably will rule that current pregnancy centers must start providing abortions. The amendment states it is a “fundamental right” that must be provided by all.

#VoteNoQuestion1 #HealthNotHarm

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