Deceleration Training Program Review -⚠️Real or Fake⚠️

6 months ago

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Deceleration Training Program Review

Overview of the 6 Phase Deceleration Training Program:
Phase 1: Box Deceleration Work
This phase focuses on using a plyometric box to introduce the athlete to the muscles required for proper deceleration. It plays a crucial role in identifying how the athlete naturally stops their body and allows the coach to start correcting poor habits. Developing the right neuromuscular firing patterns early is key.
Skipping this phase can slow down progress and make the following drills more challenging. It is recommended that all athletes, regardless of experience, begin here to establish a baseline and familiarize themselves with the coach’s approach and terminology for the rest of the program.
Phase 2: Deceleration Stop Positions & 5x5 Drills
In this phase, athletes will be introduced to the three main stopping positions they need to master for effective deceleration. This is especially important as most non-contact ACL injuries occur during the deceleration and change of direction phases.
The 5x5 drills help athletes improve their stopping technique, reducing their risk of injury. Athletes who tend to be "quad-dominant" can be identified here, and coaches can correct this imbalance to further minimize the risk of ACL tears…

Full Deceleration Training Program Review here! at

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