(2018) Reminder of all the phoney Republican RINOs who loved corrupt ex-FBI Director Robert Mueller

4 months ago

Trey Gowdy was a serious piece of sh@t RINO who would talk tough for video sound bites when it didn't really count but when it counted he always backed off like he was part of the Deepstate.

In 2017 as the Corrupt ex-FBI Director (2001-2011) Robert Mueller had 19 Angry Democrat lawyers attacking President Trump when he was trying to run the country in his 1st term and Trey Gowdy would tell the media how HONOURABLE & RESPECTED Special Council Robert Mueller was and when Tucker Carlson called out Trey Gowdy in person with his handling of the FBI corruption and Gowdy in his southern aw shucks accent said he trusted the FBI to do the right thing so didn't pursue them.
So glad to see MAGA taking over the party and getting rid of all the RINOs as more and more people wake up and people off the streets like MTG and other grassroots people getting into politics and slowly getting rid of these republican RINO's!

And then when they came after Alex Jones (Because his audience helped get Trump elected) with the Political Sandy Hook fake case that was 10 years after the fact and was a complete SHOW TRIAL, Trey Gowdy had the audacity to call Alex disgusting and glad they went after him. F@CK YOU TREY GOWDY!!

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