United Not Divided Rally London 4th September 2024 - Part 6: Piers Corbyn, Joe Ward

22 days ago

This rally was held in Parliament Square on Wednesday 4th September 2024, as a call to unity in opposition to the ongoing attempt to impose a global tyranny on humanity.
The last 5 minutes is given over to the Remainers ongoing performance outside Parliament, and their rendition of the EU's "not-the-national-anthem". I'd love to know what Steve Bray is living on, since he has been there every working day for the last 5 years at least, and probably longer.

I suppose one way to get rid of a disease is to give it a different name...
"Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India"

"Get Your Facts Straight, Fact Checkers: Paralysis DID Occur in Almost 500,000 Children After Polio Vaccine Rollout in India"

"Meghalaya's polio case derived from vaccine: Know what it means
... However, while the number of wild poliovirus cases decreased, there was another type of polio cases that increased: vaccine-derived."

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