Amazon Puffer, DIY Internal sump, Rule of Thirds, DIY Auto Top Off, DIY Digital Thermometer

17 days ago

This is my new puffer tank. A lot of the add-ons are DIY.

Tank and lid - Low iron glass(diamante). This glass is clearer than normal glass, but not as clear as acrylic. I personally like glass tanks compare to acrylic.

Internal sump - Originally, all of it were made from black acrylic, but I had to make modifications and the baffles were changed to glass. I used silicon and masking tape to make it look more neat when gluing. Masking tape took sooooo long to apply.

Light - it's got 3W 12000K leds. b/c of high color temperature, it makes the colors pop and the aquarium looks very clean. B/c of higher power leds, the water shimmers. it is also bright enough for the plant. It's a common water nymph.

Auto top off - I made this out of acrylic. a float valve is attached. B/c I'm lazy, I didn't want to top off the tank every day. This DIY made things very convenient.

Digital Thermometer - I bought this off of ebay. It lights up so you can see it at night, too. It requires a 12v adaptor. Its refresh rate is 100ms so the temp changes are measured super quick.

The rule of the thirds - Photography people probably know what this is. it's a simple yet effective composition.

Livestock - 1 amazon puffer (South American puffer), 7 lampeye, 2 oto cats. Puffer can swim backwards and hover. Surprisingly, his favorite food is hikari cichlid gold. He likes it more than frozen bloodworms. Lampeye laid eggs then they hatched. Tiny fry were swimming around, then no more. Lampeye's eyes light up very brightly under the light. It doesn't show very well in the video. There are also 2 oto cats, but they didn't show up in the video.

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