Another White Shooter

5 months ago

White peoples response to a white shooter as to a black one are starkly different.

If the shooter is black, whites will immediately bring up race. But if the shooter is white. The white responses will not bring up race at all.

But when a shooter is black.

Whites will say things like... The usual suspects bring up the percentage of black crime, or bring up Chicago, or will use 13 90. Meaning black are 13% of the population but commit 90% of crimes.

Some of these are reasonable assertions. But the issue comes when the aggressiveness is not the same when the shooter is white. Meaning that the same energy from whites is no longer there.

At best, when the shooter is white, whites will complain about politics, or gun laws, or mention mental health. But they will never bring up the skin color of a white shooter.

The fight for equal justice in America is still going strong. The only difference is that now, the front line of the battle field, is social media.

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