Plants vs Zombies 2 - Zomboss - Seedium Showcase - Mega Gatling Pea - September 2024

5 months ago

Plant of the Week - Mega Gatling Pea - was offered between September 7, 2024 through September 14, 2024.

Mega Gatling Pea is a member of the Appease-Mint family.
Mega Gatling Pea costs 400 Sun. (-25 Sun at level 2-7 and 10.)
Mega Gatling Pea does 20 damage. (+10 damage per level. An additional +10 at level 10.)
Mega Gatling Pea has a 2% chance to activate its plant food effect. (+1% at levels 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.)
When its plant food effect is active, Mega Gatling Pea will fire a plethora of peas for two (2) seconds. (+1 second at level 7.)

Without a doubt, this is one of the BEST plants in the game. For 2,000 Sun, one of these plants can eliminate all but a few zombies. When combined with Torchwood, Pea Vine and Appease-Mint, the number of zombies which can withstand this onslaught is less than a handful.

Bottom Line:
This plant is so good that there really isn't a reason to use another plant. If you do not have it, GET IT! If you do have it, level it up to decrease the Sun cost.

Perks = Float Away / SHIELDS / Boss Buster (Damage to Zomboss.)

00:00 | Difficulty 1 = Mega Gatling Pea
01:52 | Difficulty 2 = Mega Gatling Pea + Torchwood
03:42 | Difficulty 3 = Mega Gatling Pea + Torchwood (Forgot Pea Vine)

Given plant = Mega Gatling Pea

Level 1 Objective - Remove five (5) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 10 Mega Gatling Pea seeds.
Players start with 2,050 Sun.

Level 2 Objective - Remove nine (9) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 15 Mega Gatling Pea seeds.
Players start with 1,850 Sun.

Level 3 Objective - Remove thirteen (13) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 20 Mega Gatling Pea seeds.
Players start with 1,600 Sun.

We do not get a preview of Penny's Pursuit before it is released. So what you see is what players get.

We also try to vary the strategies from week to week and showcasing different plants and strategies and ideas. Using the same strategy week after week would be boring to see.

As always, if you appreciate these videos, learned something from them, please subscribe. This incentives me to continue making these videos.

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