Another FAKE RINO ESTABLISHMENT SHILL endorsing Kamala Harris. No surprise here.

6 months ago

Warmongering neocon, Dick Cheney, endorses Kamala Harris.
This is further confirmation that the old GOP is dead, and Trump has taken over the Republican Party.

-The Cheneys
-The Bushes
-The McCains
-Paul Ryan
-Mitt Romney

The old GOP establishment have been booted out of MAGA, and remain loyal to their uniparty cohorts on the other side of the aisle, hence why they all support Kamala.

This proves that a Deep State/Uniparty exists, and confirms that Trump/MAGA are the opposition to this entity.

Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala is a MASSIVE positive for Trump. And it’s also hilarious, because before Trump came along, Dick Cheney was arguably the guy they hated most. They don’t event realize what they have become.

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