Think Mirror~Mona Lisa..Reptilian Creature HIDDEN In Plain Sight..Reptos Shapeshifters..Vril..Grays And Aliens

6 months ago

Grays are afraid contact with military, if looking at them they can hypnotize consciousness of the soldier, that's why
wear mirror and other filters
sunglasses even in the evening, at night it's
advised to use night vision goggles.
When identifying their underground base, the robots place explosives that create very high temp1500 to 2000 degree Celsius and then if tunnels are long, the rocket 2 engine is used to pump special fuel with additives to cook the tunnels, at the same time reconnaissance drones and helicopters scan the terrain for
exits, once detected the explosives are
fired everywhere around, because Grays can use crystal clear camouflage.
Paranormal Crucible Special forces have order that if chasing or detecting an alien, first they throw all grenades they have, because Grays move fast. If it's raining they're Grays are afraid contact with military, if looking at them they can hypnotize consciousness of the soldier,detected more easy. Grays only power over fake elites is their ability to clone them, explaining matrix rules how to control population, biotechnology, anti aging etc
They are mortal easily..

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