The Lovers Win for Change Energy Vlog

6 months ago

The Lovers Win for Change Energy Vlog Title is from the date September 7,2024 thus 24 which adds to 6 the lovers a partnership worth celebrating. it also ties in with the first two cards of the zodiac spread we reviewed.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure news site is stiil stuck on the fifth of September. It occurs to me they might need funding that they only get from us . I have donated and ask you to donate send them something a euro a month even. If enough of us do that they can survive.

Space Weather Site showed signs of a cme but did not display it. The solar density looked to be six protons per centimeter, thus the lovers carde The solar wind speed is 300 kilometers per second, thus the Empress card. The Solar wind temperature is at approximately 45,000 kelvin, thus The Hermit card

Therefore we can say that: The louver double assured success because the Empress has blessed them from her divine feminine aspect and with the inner wisdom of the Hermit.

Psychic Tarot with Shala where she does a zodiac spread for the week ahead. Breaked it down two cards to a day starting with Sunday as the start. Thus sunday was the three of cups and the 10 of cups celebrating a emotional completion. Monday we have the Wheel of fortune and the knight of cups big karmic change and a player energy. Tuesday we have the eight of wands adn the seven of cups a lot of new ideas and dysfunction. Wednesday we have the two of pentacles and the Death rebirth card thus weighing to possibilities with a big transition. Thursday gives us The devil and the nine of swords we are bedeviled by our unfounded fears or nightmares. Friday would be Queen of Cup and the two of Swords thus overwhelming angst and indecision. then for next saturday we have the Judgement card and the king of swords htus a wake up call and a judge or captain of industry.

I drew a spirit animal oracle card The Sea Lion calling for grace under pressure Self control and healthy competition. The shadow side speaks of Territorial , environmental sensitivity and vulnerable to parasites.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News please donate:
Space Weather site:"
Psychic Tarot by Ashala Zodiac spread for week ahead:

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