How does Allah creating humain in mother's womb اللہ کس طرح ماں کے پیٹ میں انسان کو پیدا کرتا ہے

4 months ago

@islamichistory813 #FetalDevelopment #IslamicPerspective #MiracleOfLife

How does Allah creating humain in mother's womb

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders, In this islamic informative video, we are describing the intricate process of how Allah creates human beings in the mother's womb, as outlined in the Quran. The discussion encompasses the various stages of fetal development, emphasizing the miraculous nature of life and the importance of maternal health. Viewers watch complete video and gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual and physical dimensions of this extraordinary phenomenon.

Allah said in Verse 6 Surah Al-Imran

"He is the one who forms your form as He wills in the stomachs of the women, there is no god but He (He) is mighty, wise."

It is by the power of Allah Almighty to mold a valueless thing into human form, to make it male or female, white or black, beautiful or ugly. Making the shape of the child in the mother's womb, breathing soul into it, writing its destiny, all this is done by the angel, but since the angel does it by the order and authority of Allah, the Almighty, he said, "It is Allah, the Most High, who is in the wombs of mothers." Makes your faces.

Therefore, it is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “The creation of each one of you is kept in the womb of his mother for forty days, then that blood It becomes a clot, then it becomes like a plant of flesh, then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to do four things, it is said that his action, sustenance, the duration of his stay in this world. And write to be unhappy or fortunate. Then spirit is breathed into it.

One of the miracles of God’s creation is the formation of a baby within its mother’s womb. God allows an entire human being to form from a tiny drop inside the safe and cozy environment of a woman’s body.

The Quran makes mention of the mother’s womb at numerous places within its chapters. One of the words in Arabic used for womb comes from the root rahm—the same root from which one of God’s most mentioned names, Ar-Rahman, is derived. This particular attribute of God is often defined as The Most Merciful. However, Ar-Rahman is much more than merciful to His servants. He loves them more than a mother cares for her own child.

His rahma upon people is unconditional, as He provides us with eloquent speech, fruits, water, earth and much more that is mentioned in a chapter of the Quran also named Ar-Rahman. These blessings are ones human beings cannot live without and ones that we did nothing to earn. Simply through His rahma on us, God provided. Similarly, a baby in the womb has all it needs for survival and nourishment without any doing of its own.

The development of child is a miraculous undertaking the woman’s body experiences, and it is all controlled by God. He knows every intricate detail of the process, and He is the one who put it into place and sustained it. Below are four verses from the Quran mentioning the mother’s womb:

Allah Almighty said in Surah Imran verses 5-6

“Allah—surely nothing is hidden from Him in the earth or in the heaven. He it is who shapes you in the wombs as He likes; there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.”

So sisters brothers friends and elders, tomorow we will be described What are the crimes and Disobedience of Bani Israel. Allah hafiz

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