Episode 2480: Finding Peace in God's Presence Through Mary - Nightly Episode

14 days ago

“O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received from You. I am sorry that I have not made better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night. Blessed Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly mother, take me under your protection. St. Joseph, my dear Guardian Angel, and all you saints in heaven, pray for me. Sweet Jesus, have pity on all poor sinners, and save them from hell. Have mercy on the suffering souls in purgatory. Amen”
"Finding Peace in God's Presence Through Mary"
Introduction: Welcome to Faith Renewed, where we dive deep into the timeless wisdom of the saints and Scripture to guide us in our faith journey. Today, we will explore the profound role of Our Blessed Mother Mary and the importance of staying in constant conversation with God. How can we find peace and overcome fear during trials and difficulties? Let’s seek the answers from the lives of the saints and from the teachings of the Church.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, known as the Little Flower, had a deep and abiding devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In her simplicity and childlike faith, she understood that Mary, our spiritual mother, is always there for us, especially in times of trial. She once said, "In trial or difficulty, I have recourse to Mother Mary, whose glance alone is enough to dissipate every fear."
This quote from St. Thérèse highlights the power of Mary’s maternal care. When we face fears and struggles, we can turn to her, knowing that she will intercede for us before her Son, Jesus. Just as a child finds comfort in their mother’s arms, so too can we find peace in Mary’s loving embrace.
Our faith teaches us that Mary, as the Mother of God, has been given a special role in our salvation. At the foot of the Cross, she became our Mother when Jesus said to St. John, “Behold your mother” (John 19:27). From that moment, she has been our advocate, guiding us closer to her Son and offering us her protection.
In times of difficulty, invoking Mary’s intercession can bring a sense of peace that dispels fear. This is not mere sentimentality; it is rooted in the truth of her role as our spiritual mother. The Church has always taught that Mary’s prayers are powerful because of her unique relationship with Jesus.

Br. Lawrence’s Wisdom: In addition to turning to Mary, we are called to cultivate a constant awareness of God’s presence in our lives. Br. Lawrence, a humble Carmelite lay brother, offers us profound advice in his spiritual classic, The Practice of the Presence of God. He said, “He told me that we must establish ourselves in the presence of God by continually conversing with Him.”
Br. Lawrence’s insight is simple yet transformative. By maintaining a constant conversation with God throughout our day, we remain grounded in His presence. This habit of interior prayer allows us to stay connected to God, regardless of the external circumstances we face.
When we combine this continual conversation with God and our devotion to Mary, we are equipped to handle life’s challenges with grace and peace. Turning to Mary in our trials, while simultaneously practicing the presence of God, brings us into a deeper relationship with both our Heavenly Mother and our Creator.
Scriptural Insight: The practice of turning to God in every situation and the intercession of Mary is deeply scriptural. St. Paul encourages us in his letter to the Thessalonians, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This is what Br. Lawrence lived out in his daily life. And just as we turn to Mary, we also turn to Christ, who said, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
Conclusion: In our trials and difficulties, let us always remember to seek the loving intercession of Our Blessed Mother and remain in constant conversation with God. Just as St. Thérèse found comfort in Mary’s glance, so too can we find peace and strength through her maternal care. And as Br. Lawrence taught, let us establish ourselves in the presence of God by conversing with Him throughout our day. In doing so, we will be filled with the grace and peace necessary to overcome any fear or difficulty.
Ending Prayer: Let us close with a prayer.
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the gift of Your Blessed Mother, who watches over us with tender love and care. In times of trial and difficulty, help us to turn to her with confidence, knowing that she will intercede for us before Your throne. Grant us the grace to remain in constant conversation with You, aware of Your loving presence in every moment of our lives. May we find peace in Your presence and strength through Mary’s intercession. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, pray for us.
Br. Lawrence, pray for us.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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