I am in the Father and He is in Me, John 14_10-11

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Messiah told us to trust He and Yahweh are one. He proclaimed He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. Messiah used an Hebraic idiom for His relationship with Yahweh when He said that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him.

We saw in John 14:7-9 that Philip’s request of Yeshua to show Him Yahweh revealed his ignorance of the truth that Yahweh’s Son came into the world to reveal Him and had been doing so throughout His ministry.

To know the Son is to know the Father; to see the Son is to see in Him the otherwise invisible Yahweh. Yeshua the Messiah renewed His attempt to emphasize the mutual indwelling of the Father and the Son.

John 14:10 echoes Yeshua’s declaration He made to Israel’s religious elite in John 5. Yeshua declared in John 5:30-40 His testimony, evidence of miracles, and the Scriptures as proof that His claims were true.

Yeshua’s response to Philip’s confusion about seeing Yahweh, in John 14:8-9, is that He declared to see Him is to see Yahweh. He continuously listed all the reasons why others should accept Him as divine Adonai.

In John 10:30 we are told by Yeshua Himself that the Father and I are One. The key word here is One. He would have used the word echad in Aramaic or Hebrew, which means united in diversity and deity.

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