Episode 2479: Holiness Conference 1 of 5 What is Holiness ~ Fr. Ripperger

5 months ago

In the first conference of Fr. Chad Ripperger’s Holiness series, titled "What is Holiness," he explores the essence of holiness from a traditional Catholic perspective. He defines holiness as the perfection of charity, which is rooted in the love of God and neighbor. Fr. Ripperger emphasizes that holiness is not just about moral goodness but is the integration of all virtues perfected through God's grace. The goal of the Christian life is union with God, which is achieved by growing in holiness.

Key points from the conference include:

The Nature of Holiness: Holiness is not a mere human effort but a cooperation with divine grace. It is the transformation of the soul to become like God, characterized by purity, virtue, and love.

The Role of Virtue: Fr. Ripperger discusses how virtues play a central role in holiness. Theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity) are infused by God, while moral virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) must be cultivated with effort and grace.

Obstacles to Holiness: He identifies key obstacles that prevent people from attaining holiness, such as attachment to sin, pride, and worldliness. He stresses the importance of detachment and humility in the pursuit of holiness.

The Necessity of Grace: Holiness is ultimately a work of God in the soul. Without grace, human effort alone cannot achieve holiness. Fr. Ripperger encourages the faithful to rely on the sacraments, prayer, and sacramentals to grow in grace.

The Call to Holiness: Every Christian is called to holiness, not just clergy and religious. Fr. Ripperger reminds listeners that holiness is possible for everyone, regardless of their state in life, and that the saints are models of this universal call.

Overall, the conference provides a foundational understanding of what it means to be holy, highlighting the importance of grace, virtue, and the universal call to holiness in the Catholic faith.

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