"Outsmarting Alzheimer's!" - Part 1

5 months ago

For my rich informational page on Alzheimer's Disease, go here:

Preventing, Treating, Stopping, maybe even reversing?

The science exists.

The cumulative science - and lots of it - has existed for a long time and continues to be collected.

But I'll bet nothing I talk about with regard to Alzheimer's disease today is anything you have ever heard of during a loved one's physician visit.

I'll just bet there's been practically no conversation about diet, dietary dangers, or medical dangers such as aluminum and mercury from his or her yearly flu shot. I'll be there's been zero conversation about the well-researched role of nutrients and hormones and how utilizing them wisely just might make a nice difference, and, yes, based on "the science."

My presentation on this topic is dear to my heart, as my own mother began manifesting symptoms of Alzheimer's disease at the ripe old age of 49 and died an old woman at 58.

Science has come a long way since that time, and my understanding has come a long way since that time, but - astoundingly - effective treament and better outcomes have NOT come a long way since that time.

What's wrong with this picture?

I start my presentation today with a look into the:

MEDICAL-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and how the industry has admitted a profitability problem with relation to cures - "Is curing disease economically feasible?"

My presentation on this topic is LONG, so I will be taking it in parts; perhaps two or three, depending on how far we get during today's hour.

I speak from what I know. I have actively been preventing Alzheimer's disease in myself for some 20+ years. I'll tell you how to do it, too.

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