President Joe Biden Wishes He Could Put Trump In The Middle Of Arizona

4 months ago

Posted • September 7, 2024: We do wish the Trump War Room would tell us when and where these clips were taken from; we're guessing Friday, but we also know President Joe Biden had on his schedule another weekend in Delaware, so he's in Wilmington on Saturday. Biden certainly does slur his speech a lot (maybe it's related to that childhood stutter) but we think he might be saying that the other "team" doesn't believe in global warming. Without speaking his name, Biden wished he could put Donald Trump in the middle of Arizona. In summer. Because it's hot there … obviously because of global climate change. -- Biden (Cooked): "Welluhhh I like tuhh puht the other, that other nominee for president, the former president, I'd like to put him in the middle of Arizona for awhile!" -- That was a laugh line? The bar was pretty low for this audience. Newsflash: Arizona is, and always has been, hot AF in the summertime, genius. The Joe Biden angry old man act is over.

The Arizona desert is hot in the summer. That means we must spend trillions of dollars to fight the sun. That's real science right there. BREAKING 🚨🚨🚨 Arizona is hot! Who’s running the country? That's a question that needs an answer. Why are they still parading him around? Is it to make Kamala look sane by comparison? I can’t believe people voted for this, it is unbelievable. Biden says how Republicans thought they could keep him from passing the Inflation Reduction Act — "we should have named it what it was," he said this week — that would devote a trillion three hundred billion dollars to fight climate change. And Vice President Kamala Harris broke the tie in the Senate on that climate spending bill. Watch your ears … he goes into that creepy whisper thing he does before yelling and blowing out the mic: Biden: "A trillion three hundred billion dollars over ten years! And we reduced the budget at the same time!" This is the cognitive decline Kamala covered up for 3.5 years. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - President Joe Biden Wishes He Could Put Trump in the Middle of Arizona

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