Babel vs. Bible Part 10 - The Flood and The Favor

5 months ago

Anunnaki believers, use the biblical flood account, as an opportunity to judge Yahweh, as a moral monster. And if you ask them who is Yahweh, among the Pantheon of the Annunaki, most will tell you that Enlil is Yahweh.

They’ll follow with veneration for Enki, as a savior from his evil brother Enlil. Then they will concede that Enki must have been the Serpent, the true liberator of mankind, who elevated the consciousness of man, and freed him from the dictator Enlil/Yahweh figure.

But is any of this true? Not at all. Yahweh, is not one of the gods. He is the God of the gods, and the Creator of all the gods. Second, he boldly takes credit for the work of both Enki, and Enlil, as both Punisher and Savior.

Join us, and allow us to clear up the Babylonian misunderstandings, in this message entitled, “The Flood and Favor,” as we analyze the Babylonian Backstory of two conflicted brothers, Enlil, and Enki, as they seek Yahweh’s council.

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